Thursday, December 6, 2012

How To Keep those $$$ in Your Pocketbooks!

Everyone knows most of us women love to shop. We just love new things. From new curtains to new shoes to a new car, we just gotta have it! Now it’s okay to enjoy your money but some of us get caught up with some really bad spending habits. Some of us end up living beyond our means because we’re trying to impress others. Why? You know you’re not about that life. Knock it off already! For those who are about that life, it’s cool to splurge just make sure you have twice as much coming in than you have going out.

I can give you the old “Deduct 10% for savings, pay your bills then do what you want with the rest” rule, but why not help you save even more with some smart tips. Then maybe you can go on that vacation you always wanted to go on or pay back some of the people you owe.

Now this may not solve all of your financial problems but it’s a start:

1. Stop Feeling Obligated to Attend Every Single Event.
If you can’t make it, you just can’t make it. You are only one person and it’s impossible to please everyone. Sometimes you have to say, “I’m sorry but I can’t make it this time.” They will understand and you should also understand when a people can’t always make your events.

2. Stop Over-compensating.
Stop being so damn nice all the time. Doing great things for other people is very noble of you but as I mentioned before, you cannot please everyone. You don’t always have to go so hard buying expensive gifts for everyone, especially if your money is looking funny. Half of those people aren’t even appreciative of your kindness, especially the ones who will never return the gesture. You shouldn’t just give to receive but if you find yourself always giving to a person who is selfish, chances are it will be long before that person learns the act of giving. Cut them off. They’ll learn then.

3. Learn to say “NO” to Nagging Kids and Borrowers
Don’t feel guilty about it either. Kids will milk you if you let them. They have to learn that they can’t always have every single thing they ask for. They need to learn the value of a dollar and how to earn it. So make them work for it and save their own money to get what they want. Now for our good ole borrowing friends, we gotta tell them no. Most of the time, they get themselves in the same rut time and time again. When will they ever get it together? You’re not helping by loaning. Also, if you can’t replace what was borrowed(like if they couldn't give you back your money), then you shouldn’t be lending anything out. If they can’t get a loan from a bank, that should tell you something.

4. Shop Wisely for Your Wardrobe
First of all, you should definitely shop on a per season basis even keeping special events in mind. Unless you’re about that life, refrain from buying every hot, trendy piece of clothing, bag or shoe. Stick to something fashionable but more on the Classic side. Quality is also very important because then your articles are longer lasting. Chances are those same articles won’t get played out and can be worn a decade later. Think about it. How long have people been rocking Polo shirts and Air Force 1s? Those are classics that never go out of style.

5. Look for Discounts
Whether it’s clothing, car insurance, plane tickets, college, whatever it may be, look for some type bargain. If you’re shopping online, Google promo codes for whatever company you’re shopping with and enter that code when it’s time to check out. Look, most of the things you buy are marked down after 2 weeks anyway. Things don’t stay the same price for that long anymore. Besides why spend $1000 on something that it costs $5 to make??? Or why pay more than you have to pay for anything? Taking advantage of “Work Perks” also help you save extra bucks that you will be saving to go towards something more useful and worthwhile.

6. Get Rid of that 3-for-1 Cable Bill
Why do you still have that? First over all, unless there is no other person with a cell phone living with you, you really don’t need a back-up phone. You’re probably never home anyway. If you are, then get rid of one of those bills. Also, why do you still have movie channels? The same bullshit movies come on every day. Are you serious? Get Netflix or buy the DVD or BluRay and watch those movies forever.

7. Make a Grocery List and Stick to It!
When you so that you save more. Most of the time when we go grocery shopping, we forget what we came to buy and end up buying unnecessary things anyway. Bring a list. Stick to the script. Also, it’s helpful to buy in bulk, so that you don’t have to go back for another 2-3 months. Stores like BJay’s, Costco’s, Sam’s Club are great places to buy bulk items. Just make sure you check those expiration dates on the food!

8. Cook Your Meals and Bring Your Lunch to Work!
Do you have to eat out everyday? How do you know the chef didn't scratch his crotches and touch your food? Stop being lazy! Get your butt in that kitchen and cook something. If you don't know how to cook, get a cookbook or ask your friends and family for some direction. You can save a whole lot by buying your own food and cooking it. You can even eat it more than once so you're really getting your money's worth. Plus, you know your food is clean and handled with care. Lol

9. Monitor Your Ones!
Those little late fees that you incur from your cable bill and withdrawing from the ATM, add up! You know what could’ve done with that?? Lol...we gotta stop being careless. Keeping cash handy, checking your statements, and NOT being so much of a “Swiper” can help reduce those fees. You should be also using debit/credit cards with cash back, mileage or any rewards programs.

10. Plan Ahead!
Planning ahead allows you to foresee your finances. If you plan a vacation ahead of time you get a cheaper flight. You have time to compare hotel rates and you won’t be stuck picking up just any ole thing right before your vacay. If you plan a birthday party well ahead of time, you can look through different online sites, enter those promo codes I told you about, look for wholesale prices, and still come out with an extravagant party! Planning ahead prevents you from overspending! Get used to it!

11. Avoid Impulse Spending & Retail Therapy
That is the best way to be Broke! This is nothing but instant gratification. You buy all that stuff because you just had to have it or it made you feel better then you get home, and realize you didn’t even write your grocery list!

12. Stop Living Beyond Your Means!
I cannot stress this enough. Just because your high-rolling ass friends got it don't mean you gotta run and get it too. Again. You are not about that life. Wait your turn. There's nothing worse than a fly, broke chick. The only one who feels it is you. Besides, wearing expensive things or driving the most expensive car or having the latest electronics doesn't make you fly. Being fly is about That doesn't come with a price tag. Being fly is the ability to put anything together and make it look Great! I've seen people rock the most expensive gear and still look wack! So please be yourself. Stay in your lane and go with speed you know best.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Which Crazy Employee Are You??

If it weren’t for some of you, the world would be a better place but it would also be very boring… In every workplace, you will find the same types of people and I believe I have met all of them. I can walk into an office and within a half-hour have everyone scoped out.

So! Which one of these people do you work with? Are you any one of these people? Don’t lie either!

The Work Boo:
Just about everyone has had one of these! You two like one another, flirt with each other, buy each other lunch and may even go out after work. You text each other all day long and be very annoying to others around you. Everyone thinks they’re sleeping together because they act like Siamese twins. You may even become a target of someone's jealousy if you're always hanging out with a person who someone else likes. I mean do you have to sit together in meetings, luncheons, and office parties? I mean, really. Also, keep in mind –Work Boos are for work purposes only. So once you sleep with each other-Game Over!

The Ladies Man:
He is usually very good looking, confident, dresses well, has a charming personality…I mean his swag is like on 100 million! Lol …He’s very favored and praised on the job and can get away with almost anything. Almost all the ladies on the job flirt with him and are head over heels for him. He knows this so he will try his luck with all of them! He’s smooth because the ladies know he sleeps around and they don’t care. They want to be added to his roster too! Lol all I can say is- don’t get caught!

The Perfectionist:
They can never be wrong. They make sure all their “T’s” are crossed and “I’s” dotted. They absolutely hate to mess up. They analyze their work and the work of others very carefully, which is why they’re usually favored and most likely to succeed. They can be very direct, to the point, and blunt. They come off very rude so they may be disliked by others. And if you’re one of those lazy or half-assed employees they may come off very condescending to you. They follow protocol and procedures to a “T” and if they feel as if you’re not doing your job they will not hesitate to “throw you under the bus”. . But! There is always that one person who catches them slipping and ooh does that piss them off! Ha Ha!

The Kiss-Ass:
Everyone hates a Kiss-Ass. Even the ones who's getting their ass kissed by this individual. They just agree with any and everything you do or say. This type is sooo phonyyyyy! You will usually find them type in the supervisor’s office reporting everything that their peers do. This person is usually a snitch and will also throw people under the bus to gain approval from their superiors. This person will also kiss their coworker’s ass and try to be best friends the first day you meet them. They have a dire need to be liked by everyone around them and clearly has some serious self-esteem issues. My advice: Dr. Jeff Gardere (from Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta).

The Know-It-All:
***Sighs very loudly*** This person is absolutely impossible to train since they never shut up long enough for you to finish your sentence. They will cut you off thinking they know what you’re thinking or what you’re going to say next. No!! You’re wrong! Just be quiet and you might just learn something. This person is usually very argumentative or confrontational, narrow-minded and has a hard time grasping concepts. Because they know it all, they will usually do thing their way which almost always against protocol until they get “put in their respective place”. You have to talk to these people like children. Like this: “I. am. Speaking. Right. Now. You. Will. Get. Your . Turn. Once. I’m. Done. Okay?”

The Clown:
How could we not love this person? The office clown is usually a male and they are really needed in the workplace. They have a great sense of humor so they lighten the place up. They give the place some balance because we work around difficult people all day. They always have jokes and they are usually like by everyone. Sometimes they can be sarcastic-funny because they know they can get away with it. Beware of the clown who thinks they can say any and everything to anyone. These people will pass a slick comment off as a joke. As soon as you catch it-shut ‘em down immediately! Otherwise, keep laughing! LOL

The Fake Boss:
***Sighs very loudly*** again. Just have a seat please. These people can be very helpful because they really do know their stuff but they can also be incredibly annoying. They are always checking up on others to make sure they arrive to work on time, clocking out for lunch at an appropriate time, coming back from lunch on time, if you’re actually doing your work or socializing. They give orders and assignments like they run the show. Sometimes they even make up their own rules until you confirm with management. This is the type that may turn into a tyrant if they actually do become your boss. You do not want this person becoming your real boss! These people need to be shut down in a polite, matter-of-factly manner.

The Sour Puss:
Dontcha just wanna say, “Shut up with all that damn crying?’ These people are big babies who complain about everything- and it is usually a woman. Everything is always a damn problem with these people. They are not happy and don’t want to see others happy either. They always have something to negative to say and are some real “mood dampeners” and really know how to spoil your mood if you let them. They really act as if the world is coming to an end! This is why we need the office clowns! Avoid these sour pusses and block them out if you can’t cheer them up. Just whatever you do, don’t let that energy suck the life out of you!

The Office Bitch:
No one like this bitch–and I mean no one! If she ends up being your supervisor you’re in big trouble because you will get written up ‘till there aren’t any trees left to produce paper! This type usually comes to work with an attitude just about every day. She is hostile, jealous, and spiteful. This is the type who will try to embarrass you in front of others. She will condemn you every chance she gets. People like this thrive off of making others feel inferior. This person will steal your work and put their name on it! This can also be a male. We know we have some bitchassness coming from the males too but I’m not gonna get into that today! A good way to get back at an Office Bitch is by killing them with kindness, and unveiling their faults in a very professional manner. Don’t bother fighting fire with fire because they live for the drama! Also it just may work against you.

The Victim:
Please spare me. “Everyone is always doing something wrong to me. If I messed up it’s their fault because they didn’t explain it correctly. They wanted me to mess up. I never do or say anything wrong to these people. People are mean to me every day!” Sound like somebody you know? Everything with this person is so negative. These people will report you if they feel threatened by you. If you say "Hi" to them the wrong way, they think you have a problem with them. They blame people for stealing their work or for all their downfalls. This type is usually the most ineffective in the workplace. They think the entire world is against them so they spend less time focusing and too much time protecting themselves from I don’t know what?? If you can’t make them feel comfortable, just stay far away from these delusional people!

And Lastly, The Wanksta:
This employee obviously has a point to prove. They have probably been mistreated all their lives so now they want to come to work like they're the Big Bad Wolf. They know they can't really do nothing to you and most likely they won't! They come to work talking about how dangerous they can be when in reality they're just pathetic little lames. This type has a major complex and anything a person says or does that seems the least bit offensive, sets them off! These people are really harmless. All Bark, No Bite. Just extremely defensive and hiding behind a mask. I wouldn't even be worried if I were you! Chile please!

So...which one of these people seem familiar to you?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Black on Black Love

So! I was reading an article from Bossip about Black men who were never seen with a Black woman. Then I see a picture of Tiger Woods and his ex-wife.
Then I read the comments and saw this: As a white man, this topic always bothers me, because it really seems racist for black women to "demand" that black men should date black women. I say, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander -- y'all black ladies should find yourselves a good white man and say to hell with the rest!
I couldn't agree with him more!
What is the big deal?! Is there that much of a difference in culture that people should just "stick with their own kind"? Or is it the thought process of the Black man who dates outside his race? True love has nothing to do with race or color but I have heard some disturbing comments from Black men like, "Black girls always got a attitude!!"
I'm like "well damn what woman doesn't have an attitude?" Whether its positive or negative it's still an attitude!
As a woman I can admit- we are allll catty Lol...some people just handle things a little differently than others. Sometimes it is a cultural thing but that doesn't mean one should generalize a woman's attitude based on her race. You can miss out on the love of your life thinking that way!
And women-Black women to be exact Lol, get over yourselves! If he doesn't want you due to his delusional ideas about Black woman, then he isn't for you anyway! And if you ask me he has an even deeper issue within himself.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

About "No Boys Allowed"

If you see something on this page that says "No Boys Allowed", you're on the right page. My blog will primarily discuss views of women in every aspect and walk of life. This is not a male-bashing page or lesbian page. I created this in hopes that all different types of women anywhere and everywhere come somewhere they can all relate to, gain support, encouragement, advice, resources, and learn new and different ways to embrace their womanhood.
Just because it Says "No Boys Allowed", doesn't mean Men aren't allowed to come in and bring something to the table (which may be beneficial to us) or gain something from us that may give them insight on a thought or situation they need clarity on.
This blog will also reach out to young girls transitioning into young adulthood. Or the new mother who needs guidance. Or the woman who seeks relationship advice. Or the woman who wants to start a business. Or the woman who needs a prayer. We gon' pray for you men too! Lol
The views coming from our women will help someone somewhere.
Just remember! No BOYS Allowed! Lol